Terrible at Flirting? 8 Ways to Flirt Smoothly 😉

Struggling to flirt without being 😬 awkward or creepy? These 💡 flirting techniques and tips, you can go from bad at flirting to witty banter

Bad Flirting: What Makes a Bad Flirt?

Flirting can be tricky. While harmless flirting can be fun and enjoyable for both parties, bad flirting can make the other person uncomfortable. What exactly constitutes bad flirting? This article will explore what makes someone a bad flirt, provide examples of inappropriate flirting, and offer tips on how to improve flirting skills.

What Makes a Bad Flirt?

There are several behaviors that characterize a bad flirt.

Ignoring Boundaries

A bad flirt ignores verbal and nonverbal cues that the other person is not interested or uncomfortable. They persist despite clear signs they should stop. This includes continuing to flirt after being rejected.

Making Assumptions

A bad flirt makes assumptions about the other person's interest or intentions without any evidence. They believe the other person wants their advances regardless of signals to the contrary.


Bad flirts view the other person as an object rather than a person. They focus solely on physical attributes and ignore all other aspects of their humanity. Objectifying comments are a red flag.

Objectifying comments are a red flagObjectifying comments are a red flag


Some bad flirts use manipulation tactics, such as guilt trips, negging (backhanded compliments), or applying social pressure to get what they want. This coercive behavior ignores consent.

Lacking Self-Awareness

Bad flirts lack self-awareness about how their actions make others feel. They are unable to read body language or facial expressions that exhibit discomfort.

Crossing Physical Boundaries

Inappropriate touching, groping, or invading personal space characterize a bad flirt. Making unwanted physical contact crosses physical boundaries.

Examples of Inappropriate Flirting

Here are some examples of flirting behaviors that are inappropriate:

  • Repeatedly asking for someone's number or a date after they've said no
  • Making sexual comments about someone's body parts or appearance
  • Using unwanted pet names like "baby" or "sexy" with strangers
  • Getting too close physically, like breathing on their neck or repeatedly touching them
  • Making threats if sexual advances aren't reciprocated
  • Blocking someone's path or following them when they try to walk away
  • Sending unsolicited explicit messages or photos
  • Using diminutive language like "sweetie" or "honey"
  • Whistling at someone or making animal noises
  • Trying to isolate someone by leading them somewhere private

Tips for Being a Better Flirt

If you want to improve your flirting skills, here are some tips:

Pay Attention

Look for signs of reciprocated interest. If the other person seems uncomfortable, take a step back.

Compliment Genuinely

Offer sincere compliments about something other than physical appearance to show real interest.

Respect Boundaries

Don't touch without permission. Accept a "no" gracefully.

Don't get too intense. Try playful banter mixed with thoughtful questions to keep the mood fun.Don't get too intense. Try playful banter mixed with thoughtful questions to keep the mood fun.

Focus on Personality

Connect over shared interests, values, and personality traits. Get to know them as an individual.

Keep It Light

Don't get too intense. Try playful banter mixed with thoughtful questions to keep the mood fun.

Avoid Assumptions

Don't assume you know what someone wants. Explicitly communicate your interest/intent.

Make the Other Person Feel Good

Flirting should uplift both people. Make them feel interesting, attractive, and enjoyed.

Read the Situation

Flirting when the other person is busy or unavailable can come across as aggressive. Pay attention to context.

Be Direct

If you want to ask someone out, do it in a clear, concise way. Ambiguity can lead to confusion.

Take Rejection Well

If someone rejects your advance, accept it politely and move on. Don't take it personally.

If someone rejects your advance, accept it politely and move on. Don't take it personally.If someone rejects your advance, accept it politely and move on. Don't take it personally.

How to Flirt on a First Date

Flirting on a first date can be exciting but also nerve-wracking. Here are some tips for flirting on a first date.

Compliment Their Appearance

Don't be afraid to tell your date they look attractive. Just keep it classy. Saying "You look beautiful tonight" shows romantic interest.

Make Eye Contact

Locking eyes, holding a gaze, and smiling conveys attraction better than words can. But don't stare - brief meaningful eye contact is best.

Laugh at Their Jokes

Nothing is more flattering than genuinely laughing at someone's jokes. It tells them you appreciate their humor and are enjoying their company.

Nothing is more flattering than genuinely laughing at someone's jokesNothing is more flattering than genuinely laughing at someone's jokes

Find Opportunities for Light Physical Contact

Subtly touching their forearm, brushing knees under the table, or sitting close together helps build physical chemistry.

Bring Up Fun Date Ideas

Suggesting fun future dates like concerts, amusement parks, or hiking sends the message you want to see them again.

Compliment Their Interests and Personality

Pointing out their good taste in books/music or complimenting their wit lets them know you like who they are as a person.

Use Open Body Language

Position your body toward your date and lean in to show you are engaged and attracted. But give them space.

Flirt With Your Eyes and Smile

Make eye contact, smile coyly, and even wink playfully. This builds sexual tension without having to say a word.

Make eye contact, smile coyly, and even wink playfullyMake eye contact, smile coyly, and even wink playfully

Find Excuses to Initiate Touching

Guide them somewhere by touching their lower back or straighten their collar while maintaining flirty eye contact.

Keep Things Light and Fun

Flirtatious banter mixed with meaningful conversation makes for a romantic, memorable first date.

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How to Go From Being Terrible at Flirting to a Confident Flirt

If you're one of the many people who find flirting incredibly awkward, don't lose hope! With practice and tweaking your mindset, you can go from terrible at flirting to confidently bantering with that cute guy or girl in no time. Here's how:

Understand Flirting is a Skill

Flirting is a skill you can get better at, not an innate talent some have and some don't. If you want to improve, you can through effort.

Focus on FUN

Take the pressure off. Don't worry about the endgame. Flirting should be playful and enjoyable for its own sake.

Take the pressure off. Don't worry about the endgame. Flirting should be playful and enjoyable for its own sake.Take the pressure off. Don't worry about the endgame. Flirting should be playful and enjoyable for its own sake.

Compliment Genuinely

Sincere compliments make people feel good. But skip appearance-based compliments at first. Wit and humor are sexy.

Make Confident Eye Contact

Lock eyes, smile coyly, and hold it for a few seconds. Eye contact creates sparks and chemistry.

Touch Lightly

Subtle, casual touching while you talk conveys physical interest. Touch their forearm or shoulder briefly.

Banter and Tease Playfully

Trade lighthearted banter laced with innocent yet flirty teasing. It creates sexual tension without getting too serious.

Pay Attention to Body Language

Learn to read body language. Watch for signals they are responding positively to your flirting.

Accept Rejection with Grace

Not everyone will be interested. If your flirting falls flat, brush it off with confidence and move on.

Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously

Being able to laugh at yourself takes the pressure off. People also find humility and goofiness charming.

The key mindset shift is to have fun with flirting and not treat it like a pass/fail exam. With an air of confidence and playfulness, you can shape any awkward encounter into a fun, flirty exchange.



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