Best Places to Meet New People & Make Friends 🤝

Want to meet new people and make new friends? This article shares the 🏆 best places 🗺️ and most effective ways 👍 to connect with new friends 💕

Meeting new people and making new friends can be challenging, especially as an adult. However, meaningful connections and relationships are vital for our health and happiness. In today's digital age, many of us struggle to meet people and make friends in real life.

Where to Meet People: The Best Places and Ways to Meet New Friends

Whether you recently moved to a new city, want to expand your social circle, or simply crave new friends and connections, there are many great places and effective ways to meet people. This article explores the best places and most effective strategies for meeting new people, making friends, and forging meaningful connections.

Great Places to Meet New People

Book Clubs

Joining a local book club is a great way to meet people who share your love of reading. Once a month meetings provide a relaxed atmosphere to discuss books with like-minded people. You'll discover new authors and titles while getting to know fellow bookworms. Many clubs incorporate social events like dinners and wine tastings too. Sign up through your local bookstore, library, or community center.

Joining a local book club is a great way to meet people who share your love of readingJoining a local book club is a great way to meet people who share your love of reading

Community Service and Volunteering

Volunteering for a cause you care about allows you to meet others with similar values. Food banks, animal shelters, conservation groups, museums, and community centers need volunteers. Celebrate Make a Difference Day by joining others to volunteer. You'll form new connections while bettering your community.

Adult Education Classes

Enroll in cooking, art, writing, language, or other adult education classes through community colleges or community centers. Surrounded by people with a shared interest in learning provides a natural way to start conversations and get to know classmates. You may discover a new passion while gaining new friends.

Professional Associations

Joining an industry association or professional society provides opportunities to network and socialize with other members while developing your career. Attend talks, conferences, and social events to connect with like-minded professionals.

Sports Leagues

Join a recreational sports league to stay active and meet teammates. Sports like kickball, softball, or bowling build camaraderie through practices and games. Many leagues go out for drinks or food after. It's a fun way to bond while being social.

Outdoor Activities

Get active outdoors through hiking groups, rock climbing clubs, kayaking excursions or bike meetups. Bond over your mutual enjoyment of nature and fitness. Outdoor activities provide easy conversation starters about your gear, favorite trails, recent adventures, and more.

Dog Parks

If you have a furry companion, head to local dog parks to meet fellow pet owners. Bond with dog lovers while your pups play. Chat about your dogs, favorite parks, pets' personalities, local pet businesses, and more. Arrange doggy playdates to hangout again.

Wine/Beer Tastings

Attend wine, beer, or spirit tastings at local bars, breweries, distilleries, or vineyards. Chat about the drinks while sampling flights, cheeses, and charcuterie boards. Many venues offer classes to learn about wine and craft beer as you taste.

Cooking Classes

Learn new culinary skills and meet foodies in cooking classes. Talk recipes, gadgets, restaurants, and food trends while mastering classic dishes or cuisines. Many classes incorporate wine pairings or group dining before or after. Enjoy good food and good company.

Concerts and Festivals

Seeing live music and attending cultural festivals provide many opportunities to strike up conversations. Bond over the acts you're excited for, debate which festival has the best lineup, or chat while waiting in the beer line. Music is a universal language that brings people together.

Local Facebook Groups

Join hyperlocal Facebook Groups centered around your neighborhood, city, or specific interests to connect with nearby members. People often post looking for restaurant recommendations, activity buddies, local tips, or to advertise community events. Meet in real life at get-togethers and events.

Coworking Spaces

Work alongside others in shared office spaces. Coworking spaces create community through mixers, happy hours, workshops, and speaker series. Strike up conversations in the kitchen, common areas, or over coffee. Many spaces host social events to foster connections.

Gyms and Exercise Classes

Make fitness more social by taking group classes at your gym or studio. Talk before and after class or partner up for circuits. Join outdoor bootcamps and running groups to train together. You'll bond over achieving fitness goals and may find a new workout partner.

Religious Services

Places of worship bring community members together. Introduce yourself to others before or after services and volunteer for committees to become involved. Join young professionals groups, volunteer projects, and social events.

Museums and Art Galleries

Spark conversation about exhibits at museums and galleries' special events and opening receptions. Discuss artists' techniques, art periods, and favorite works while admiring. Mingle at drink and draws, arts workshops, or guest lectures.

If you have a furry companion, head to local dog parks to meet fellow pet ownersIf you have a furry companion, head to local dog parks to meet fellow pet owners

Effective Ways to Meet People

Attend Events and Activities

Browse sites like Invme, Eventbrite and Facebook events to find free local events based on your interests. The shared experience and conversation starters make introducing yourself natural. Ask others their thoughts on the event and speakers. Suggest grabbing food or drinks after to continue the conversation.

Be Friendly and Open

Being open, approachable, and friendly significantly increases your chances of meeting new people anywhere. Smile, make eye contact, face outward instead of looking down at your phone, and relax your body language. Others will feel more comfortable striking up a conversation.

Put Yourself Out There

While it can seem intimidating, don't be afraid to make the first move and introduce yourself to people you want to get to know. Ask to join someone's trivia team at a bar, comment on the band shirt someone's wearing, or compliment someone's cute dog at the park.

Make Conversation

When you find yourself around new people, make natural conversation to get to know them better. Compliment them, ask thoughtful questions about their interests, discuss the event you're at, or comment on something in the environment to break the ice.

Follow Up

Before parting ways, ask to exchange contact info with new acquaintances. Follow up via text or social media after meeting someone new to solidify the new connection. Reference your meeting place or topics discussed. Suggest meeting again based on mutual interests.

Say Yes to Invitations

Say yes when co-workers, new friends, or acquaintances invite you to events, parties, and activities. Even if it's outside your comfort zone, it's an opportunity to meet new people. You may meet lifelong friends through existing connections.

Learn a New Skill

Enroll in beginner classes like cooking, dance, photography, pottery, or gardening. Fellow students are eager to make friends while learning something new together. Chat as you master the skills each week. Suggest grabbing food after class.

Chat about the drinks while sampling flights, cheeses, and charcuterie boardsChat about the drinks while sampling flights, cheeses, and charcuterie boards


Volunteering allows you to regularly interact with like-minded people who care about the same cause as you. Make a difference together before grabbing dinner or drinks as a group. Nonprofits also often host appreciation and fundraising events.

Adopt a "Yes" Mantra

Combat shyness, anxiety, or introversion by adopting a “yes” mantra. Commit to saying yes to all social invitations and interactions for a period of time. Push yourself out of your comfort zone to increase opportunities to connect.

Look Friendly and Approachable

To attract potential friends, remember to appear friendly. Keep an open body posture, make eye contact, and smile at people you'd like to meet. Combat phone addiction by staying present and putting your device away while out.

Join a Club or Sports Team

Shared interests, regular meetings, and collaborative activities make recreational clubs conducive to forming friendships. Join a bowling league, cycling club, or tennis team to bond while playing. Non-sport clubs like gardening and board games work too.

Don't Give Up

Friendship takes time. Don't get discouraged if you don't hit it off with every person you meet. Maintain positivity, continue putting yourself out there, and remain open to new people. Making friends becomes easier with practice.

Use Social Media

Use social media to nurture new connections. After meeting someone new, connect via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other platforms. Like and comment on their posts to grow your acquaintance into a friendship. Send them articles and information related to their interests.

Just Do It

Stop overthinking it and just talk to people around you. Waiting for the “perfect” moment to approach someone new rarely works. Seize everyday opportunities in line, at the gym, at a networking event, or in your neighborhood. You never know when you'll meet a new best friend.

Make fitness more social by taking group classes at your gym or studioMake fitness more social by taking group classes at your gym or studio

Tips for Meeting New People

  1. Attend local events and activities related to your interests: Engaging in local events and activities that align with your interests is an effective way to meet like-minded individuals. Whether it's a hobby club, a community event, or a workshop, participating in such gatherings offers a natural opportunity to connect with people who share your passions.
  2. Keep an open, friendly, and approachable demeanor: Your demeanor plays a crucial role in making a positive impression. Approach social situations with an open and friendly attitude. Smile, maintain a warm and approachable body language, and be receptive to meeting new people.
  3. Introduce yourself to new people you want to get to know: Taking the initiative to introduce yourself is key. Don't wait for others to approach you; be proactive in starting conversations with individuals you find interesting or with whom you'd like to build a connection.
  4. Make natural conversation and ask questions to get to know people: Engage in natural and meaningful conversations by asking open-ended questions. Show a genuine interest in getting to know the other person. This approach helps foster deeper connections and demonstrates your curiosity about their life and experiences.
  5. Exchange contact information and follow up to solidify new connections: After meeting someone you'd like to stay in touch with, don't hesitate to exchange contact information. Following up with a friendly message or call solidifies the connection and lays the foundation for future interactions.
  6. Say yes to social invitations, even if it's outside your comfort zone: Embrace opportunities to socialize, even if they take you out of your comfort zone. Saying "yes" to invitations can lead to exciting and unexpected experiences. Stepping outside your comfort zone can also help you grow personally and expand your social circle.
  7. Take classes and learn new skills like cooking or painting: Enrolling in classes or workshops not only allows you to acquire new skills but also provides a structured environment for meeting people who share your interests. Learning together creates a common bond and conversation starters.
  8. Volunteer for an organization you care about: Volunteering for a cause or organization you're passionate about is a wonderful way to meet individuals who share your values. It's a chance to make a positive impact while building connections with like-minded people.
  9. Adopt a “yes” mantra and commit to new social interactions: Embrace a mindset of openness and willingness to engage with new social interactions. By adopting a "yes" mantra, you'll be more receptive to opportunities and more likely to take the initiative in meeting people.
  10. Join recreational sports teams and clubs: Joining sports teams or clubs focused on your interests can be an enjoyable way to meet people who share your hobbies. These settings offer a built-in community with regular opportunities for interaction.
  11. Use social media to nurture acquaintances into friendships: Social media platforms can be valuable tools for staying in touch with acquaintances and turning those connections into genuine friendships. Engage with their posts, send friendly messages, and express your interest in building a deeper relationship.
  12. Stay present; avoid phone addiction while out socially: When you're out socializing, make an effort to stay present in the moment. Avoid excessive phone use, which can distract you from opportunities to connect with people around you. Engaging with your surroundings and the people present enhances your social experiences.
  13. Make eye contact, smile, and keep an open body posture: Nonverbal cues are powerful in communication. Make eye contact to convey interest, smile to create a welcoming atmosphere, and maintain an open body posture to signal approachability.
  14. Don’t get discouraged; making connections takes persistence: Building meaningful connections may not happen overnight. Don't get discouraged by initial setbacks or rejections. Persistence and patience are key; keep putting yourself out there and giving yourself opportunities to meet new people.
  15. Talk to people around you instead of waiting for the “perfect” chance: Instead of waiting for the perfect opportunity, initiate conversations with people in your immediate surroundings. Everyday situations, like waiting in line or sitting in a cafe, can provide excellent opportunities to strike up a conversation and potentially make new connections.
Don't drink excessively. Getting sloppy drunk makes you act in ways you’ll regret later.Don't drink excessively. Getting sloppy drunk makes you act in ways you’ll regret later.

Bad Way To Meet New People

What not to do when meeting new people:

  • Don't aggressively approach the most attractive person. This can come across as creepy or shallow. Try to mingle and strike up conversations organically instead. Initiate contact based on shared interests or friendliness, not just looks.
  • Avoid staring at your phone. Constantly checking your phone makes you seem bored, uninterested, and closed off. Stay engaged in the people and environment around you. Put your phone away so you appear more approachable and attentive.
  • Don't brag about yourself. Monopolizing the conversation by name dropping, talking about money, or bragging about accomplishments makes people dislike you. Have a two-way balanced conversation instead of just touting yourself. Ask questions and listen.
  • Avoid oversharing personal details early on. Spilling too much private information before getting to know someone can make them uncomfortable. Keep it light at first, sharing hobbies, interests, and pleasant small talk. Save more personal talk for when you’re closer.
  • Don't judge or exclude people prematurely. Even if someone seems very different from you initially, get to know them before deciding you have nothing in common. Keep an open mind and you may be pleasantly surprised by shared interests.
  • Don't try too hard to impress. Doing elaborate magic tricks, showing off knowledge, or obviously exaggerating stories can come across disingenuous instead of impressive. Relax and have a normal conversation focused on learning about the other person.
  • Avoid inappropriate jokes or offensive comments. Humor that puts down groups or marginalizes others attracts the wrong crowd. Similarly, making blatantly sexual, controversial political statements, or rude remarks repels people. Keep conversation light and inclusive.
  • Don't drink excessively. Getting sloppy drunk makes you act in ways you’ll regret later. It also prevents meaningful interactions. Drink moderately so you stay in control of your behavior.

Monopolizing the conversation by name dropping, talking about money, or bragging about accomplishments makes people dislike youMonopolizing the conversation by name dropping, talking about money, or bragging about accomplishments makes people dislike you

With some social awareness and a genuine interest in others, you can avoid these missteps and make positive new connections.

Over to You

Putting yourself out there by going to new places and taking social risks are key to connecting with new people and cultivating friendships. While it can feel uncomfortable at first, the rewards of meaningful companionship make it worthwhile.

Meet Local Singles and Discover Events in Your City With Invme

If you're looking for local events and activities happening in your city, be sure to check out It's a free app that allows you to discover thousands of events near you and connect with other locals interested in the same activities. Easily find free events happening now on the map view and join to start chatting with others who have joined. You can also create your own plans and find others to join. makes it effortless to meet new people and make new friends at local events based on your interests. With an open, friendly approach and the willingness to step outside your comfort zone, you’ll be forging new friendships and connections in no time.



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