Hey Handsome πŸ˜‰ What Does it Really Say?

Discover what the phrase "hey handsome" really means and how it impacts the male experience 🀩 Find out what people like you have to say about it

"Hey handsome" is a phrase that many people enjoy using when they want to flirt or compliment someone they find attractive. However some may wonder if saying "hey there good looking" is really forward especially when its the time saying it. There are a factors to consider when deciding if using this phrase is appropriate or might be overwhelming.

Take the context into account

Firstly think about the context of your relationship, with the person you're interested in. If you're meet somebody for the first time or still getting to know each other. Its one of your attempts at flirting saying "hey handsome" might catch them off guard. Since its a compliment on their appearance it could be seen as overly bold when you don't have a deep familiarity yet. Consider starting with something like "hey" or "how are you doing?" to test the waters first. Gradually incorporate compliments once you get a better sense of the situation.

However if you already have an established connection with your crush and regularly engage in conversations together using "hey looking" would likely be an appropriate way to escalate your flirting style. When theres already communication and mutual understanding between both parties involved such a direct compliment may come across as endearing, than sudden and startling.

Well when it comes down to it you should have an relationship, with this guy that you feel comfortable giving him a compliment like "handsome" directly. Just make sure to observe his reactions to ensure that the term of endearment doesn't make him uneasy.

The intention behind using "hey handsome" is also crucial. Make sure your intention is genuinely complimentary and not manipulative or objectifying. Since every man desires to be valued for more than their appearance focus your attention on qualities he possesses as well.

Make sure your intention is genuinely complimentary and not manipulative or objectifyingMake sure your intention is genuinely complimentary and not manipulative or objectifying

To sum it up

In general saying "hey handsome" occasionally is probably fine when addressing a date, boyfriend someone you're interested in or a male friend in general. However be mindful of the timing. Wait until you've become more acquainted with each other so that it doesn't sound too strong. Mixing in compliments about aspects such as his smile, laughter, talents or personality can also be beneficial. With the context and delivery referring to your crush as "handsome" can be a way to boost his confidence and express your attraction towards him. Nevertheless in a situation or early on, in the relationship dynamic it might be perceived as excessive. Pay attention to cues. Find the balance accordingly.

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At invme.com, a dating service you can connect with fascinating individuals and explore the possibility of engaging in friendly conversations and expressing admiration. Take advantage of invme.com community features and events which provide opportunities to interact with guys you're interested, in getting to know. However always prioritize respect. Gauge their response before becoming excessively complimentary. By striking the balance a simple "hey handsome" can brighten someones day.

To summarize whether or not using "hey handsome" comes across as assertive depends on the context. If there is an established connection it is likely acceptable especially when combined with aspects of conversation. However when interacting with someone it may be best to approach rather than rushing in too quickly. Remember that flirting is an art, than a science; paying attention to cues will help you discover the way to compliment your crush.



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