Unicorn Relationships: The Myth and Reality of Dating as a Bisexual Third👯‍♀️🦄

What's the truth behind the 🦄 unicorn fantasy? This guide to ethical open relationships covers how bisexual women can safely join existing couples.

The term “unicorn” has become popular slang in polyamorous communities in recent years. But what exactly does it mean to be a unicorn, and what truth lies behind the myth? This article will examine the origins of unicorn hunting, the pros and cons of pursuing a unicorn relationship, and tips for couples and unicorns exploring this dynamic ethically.

The Legendary Unicorn

In poly lingo, a “unicorn” refers to the elusive single bisexual woman who is interested in dating and having sex with an established heterosexual couple. She is expected to join the couple as a package deal and become romantically/sexually involved with both partners equally.

The metaphor stems from the rarity of finding this mythical creature. Some believe she does not even exist—hence her legendary status. While bisexual women open to polyamory with couples do exist, the perfect match is extremely difficult to locate. Even women theoretically open to it may be incompatible with a given couple in reality.

The Unicorn Fantasy

The unicorn holds immediate appeal for couples seeking to open up and spice up their relationship. The image of a beautiful bisexual woman adding zest to their sex life and dutifully sharing their bed each night feeds into potent fantasies.

In fantasy, the unicorn seamlessly inserts herself into the couple’s life, preventing jealousy through her equal love for both partners. She never disrupts the pre-existing relationship. The original couple projects their desires onto her without considering her own. They may even imagine her bearing children with the male partner, completing an instant family.

In poly lingo, a “unicorn” refers to the elusive single bisexual woman who is interested in dating and having sex with an established heterosexual couple.In poly lingo, a “unicorn” refers to the elusive single bisexual woman who is interested in dating and having sex with an established heterosexual couple.

Why Unicorns Are So Rare

The rarity of actual unicorns stems from the unrealistic expectations placed on them. Being asked by a couple to satisfy both partners’ needs and fulfill their every fantasy often comes at the expense of the unicorn’s desires.

These impractical standards explain why locating the ideal unicorn is so challenging. When faced with a couple demanding she meet their laundry list of requirements, many women logically run the other direction. Those who do try to become the mythical unicorn frequently end up feeling undervalued, marginalized, or exploited.

Ethical Considerations of Unicorn Hunting

Some ethically question unicorn hunting itself, arguing the practice inherently objectifies bisexual women. Unicorns get treated as living sex toys rather than as individuals with personalities and preferences. They become a means for the established couple to act out their fantasies.

Defenders maintain with proper respect and communication, triads including a unicorn can thrive ethically. If all partners' needs align and the arrangement is consciously structured to empower the unicorn, her inclusion may benefit everyone. Though the two-against-one power imbalance poses risks.

Unicorn Dating

When it comes to unicorn dating, couples need to carefully consider if adding a third person is right for their relationship. Pursuing a unicorn can strain even healthy relationships if underlying issues exist. Both partners must enthusiastically consent to polyamory before expanding the romantic dynamic.

Existing Relationship Considerations

Couples should evaluate their existing foundation to determine if a unicorn is advisable. Issues like poor communication, distrust, or jealousy may be exacerbated. The couple's bond must be strong enough to withstand unpredictable emotions and attachment shifts a new person brings.

The original partners should take time to reconnect one-on-one before initiating a unicorn hunt. Bolster your mutual intimacy first. Starting polyamory from a place of confidence and contentment in your current relationship improves success odds.

Open Relationship Communication

Clear ongoing communication provides the bedrock for any ethical open relationship. Discussing wants, needs and boundaries candidly lays the groundwork. Check in frequently, especially when challenging emotions like jealousy arise. Fostering emotional transparency should be a top priority.

Discussing wants, needs and boundaries candidly lays the groundwork.Discussing wants, needs and boundaries candidly lays the groundwork.

Threesome Considerations

Enticing as threesomes may seem, spur-of-the-moment trysts often lead to hurt feelings after the fact. Taking time to establish mutual trust and comfort before acting on lust prevents regret. Ensure the unicorn feels respected during intimate encounters, not used as a living sex toy. Her pleasure should be prioritized as well.

Third Person Perspective

Welcoming a unicorn inevitably shakes up a relationship, despite fantasy notions of seamlessly adding someone. Be ready to adapt your dynamic, not force rigid expectations. Accept that a new person's emotions and needs matter too. Give them equal say in shaping the evolving relationship landscape.

Tips for Locating a Unicorn

For couples seeking their unicorn, here are some ethical tips:

  • Be upfront on dating sites about your motives, jointly listing profiles and clearly explaining your interest in a triad. Surprising a woman later feels deceptive to most.
  • Build emotional intimacy first before rushing into sex. Fostering trust and taking it slow reduces using unicorns as disposable playthings. It also reveals if you’re truly compatible beyond initial intrigue.
  • Involve the potential unicorn as an equal third partner in shaping the relationship terms. Accommodate her needs, don’t just dictate yours. If you want prescripted fantasies met more than a real relationship, then reconsider pursuing a person at all.
  • Allow space for genuine emotional attachments to form. Don't limit the unicorn to a sexual function or prevent her bonding more with one of you. Let things progress organically.

Difficult to Find

The difficulty of finding a unicorn relates to the complex interpersonal dynamics involved. Rather than expecting someone to seamlessly slip into an existing relationship, embrace adding a unique human who will change your relationship landscape in unpredictable ways. Let go of the mythical notion of finding a perfect magical creature. Value authenticity.

Sexual Orientation Diversity

Don't assume all bisexual women are inherently open to joining couples. Unicorn hunting often relies on reductive assumptions about female bisexual orientation. Treat unicorns as whole people with distinct romantic/sexual preferences, not an interchangeable means to an end. Connect meaningfully, not just physically.

Primary Partner Priorities

The original couple must make their existing relationship a priority. Don't let the excitement of a new partner eclipse nurturing your foundation. Set boundaries to protect your initial bond if needed. Strengthening your base fortifies the overall polyamorous structure so it can support a third person.

Unicorn Perspectives

For those considering becoming a unicorn, here are some key considerations:

  • Thoroughly vet couples first. Ensure you genuinely share sexual chemistry with both partners and align with their expectations. Discuss relationship goals bluntly.
  • Clearly state your own boundaries, needs, and relationship priorities early on. Don’t compromise key parts of yourself or give in to pressure.
  • Watch for red flags like dishonesty, restrictive rules, jealousy, or the couple putting their needs far above yours. Make sure both partners have the communication skills for ethical polyamory.
  • Develop real emotional connections at your own pace if you desire them. Don’t be confined to a purely sexual role unless that aligns with your wishes.
  • Insist on equal voice in shaping the relationship, not inferior status to the established couple. If they are unwilling to accommodate you equitably, walk away.

Monogamous Mindsets

Examining your reasons for wanting to try non-monogamy is wise soul searching. If seeking a unicorn stems from boredom or wanting validation versus ethical openness, pause. Many monogamous-minded couples quickly regret attempting polyamory. Consider your motivations deeply first.

Making it Work

Unicorn triads face the same core challenges as any polyamorous relationship. Here are tips to balance ethics and logistical complexities:

  • Openly negotiate wants, needs, limits and ground rules with all voices heard equally. Continually discuss boundaries as things evolve.
  • Make time and space for each two-person pairing within the triad, not just the original couple. Foster 1-on-1 intimacy.
  • Prepare for emotions to ebb and flow differently with each partner. Jealousy may still surface despite best efforts. Keep communicating courageously through challenges.
  • Ensure all partners receive focused, quality time together. Don’t let the original couple’s priorities dominate in scheduling.
  • Make sure the unicorn feels emotionally valued, not just used for physical thrills. Prioritize caring support and vulnerability. Foster a sense of belonging.
  • Embrace imperfections and humanity in each other. Don’t expect anyone to be a magical fantasy figure meeting all needs perfectly.

Unicorn in Dating

In dating contexts, "unicorn" refers to the rare profile that seems too good to be true. They check every box, share endless common interests, and come across as practically perfect. Unicorn dating profiles may actually be bots, scammers, or otherwise misrepresent reality.

Unicorn in a Relationship

Even if you locate an seemingly ideal unicorn, embracing the reality of human needs and flaws is essential. Rather than expecting a magical creature, approach potential unicorns with openness to who they actually are. Fulfilling relationships thrive when each person feels accepted, not forced into fantasy molds.

Unicorn to Join

If a unicorn consents to join your relationship, proceed with empathy. Inviting someone to diverge from societal norms requires extra care and communication. Ensure they never feel pressured to meet unrealistic expectations or put your needs first at their own expense. Make space for the unicorn's voice to shape the new dynamic fairly.

Find a Unicorn

Finding a unicorn begins with self-examination about motivations and considering ethics. Pursue potential partners through poly-friendly spaces focused on authentic connections, not objectifying unicorn hunting. Adapt to fit a real person, not demanding a fantasy. Mutual understanding and emotional investment make relationships magical.

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Join an Existing Relationship

Unicorns joining existing relationships walk a tricky path that requires respect from all sides. The couple must give equal weight to the unicorn’s needs and not prioritize their established bond at her expense. If she is to become an integral third partner, she must be treated as such from the very start.

New Relationship Energy

The thrill of a new partner can be intoxicating but also blinding. While enjoying the rush of a budding unicorn relationship, don't neglect nurturing your existing relationship foundation. Manage new energy wisely through open communication. Grow together, not apart.

Relationship Dynamics

Rather than expecting a unicorn to seamlessly join your union, acknowledge adding anyone creates dynamic shifts. Unpredictable emotions may arise as you navigate change. Adapt your mindsets from the start to embrace an evolving landscape, including potential jealousy, insecurities, and attachments forming uniquely.

Join an Existing Couple

Potential unicorns should carefully reflect on motivations for joining a couple, beyond thrilling fantasy. Ensure you actually desire polyamory for yourself long-term, not just pleasing others. Vet partners thoroughly and forge real connections before leaping into intimacy. Don't ignore red flags or compromise your needs.

Potential unicorns should carefully reflect on motivations for joining a couple, beyond thrilling fantasyPotential unicorns should carefully reflect on motivations for joining a couple, beyond thrilling fantasy

Looking for a Unicorn

Couples seeking unicorns should understand it's about making meaningful human connections that fulfill everyone, not collecting someone convenient to indulge prescriptive fantasies. Approach potential partners with open minds, not fixed expectations. Be ready to adapt to fit a real person, not force conformity.

Find Your Unicorn

Rather than seeking your perfect unicorn, focus on becoming the best version of yourself first. Do the personal work to prepare for polyamorous ethical relationships. Build self-confidence and relationship skills. Then you may draw unicorns and other partners through your magnetic authenticity, not unrealistic demands.

Relationship Dynamics

Understand that adding a unicorn will fundamentally change your relationships dynamics in unplanned ways. Embrace letting go of control over how attachments and emotions develop. Maintain open communication and adaptability as you navigate. Don't expect perfection. Prioritize empathy and honesty.

Existing Couple

Couples exploring the unicorn concept need honest self-assessment first. Heed any indications of jealousy, insecurity or controlling tendencies that could lead to an unethical power imbalance or emotional damage. Strengthen your foundational bond and self-knowledge before pursuing a third partner.

Rules for Meeting a Unicorn

Dating App Precautions

If using dating apps to find unicorns, make sure to clearly state your existing relationship status and interest in ethically opening up the relationship. Avoid terms like "third" that imply inferior status. Describe what you want honestly. Treat matches as individuals.

Unicorn Polyamory

Understand most bisexual women are not inherently open to polyamory on the limited terms a couple mandates. Do not assume all women fitting the "unicorn" orientation box will be willing packages waiting to join you. Make authentic connections caring about unicorns’ humanity.

Called a Unicorn

Potential unicorns should be thoughtful about the situations they agree to enter. If you feel you are being treated as a concept rather than a feeling person, proceed cautiously. Ensure you are seen as a complete human who deserves ethical treatment, not just a "unicorn."

Inviting a Unicorn to Join

Want a Unicorn

Rather than listing requirements for the perfect unicorn, know that you are seeking a full, complex person to add to your relationship. They will have needs and preferences different from your fantasy. Prepare to compromise and communicate. Make them feel wanted but not objectified.

Rather than listing requirements for the perfect unicorn, know that you are seeking a full, complex personRather than listing requirements for the perfect unicorn, know that you are seeking a full, complex person

Understanding the Unicorn's Needs

Make an effort to understand the motivations and perspective of the potential unicorn. Look beyond your own wishes to truly see her viewpoint. Respect any hesitations she expresses and don't apply pressure. Ensure she feels empowered to shape the new dynamic fairly.

Romantic Partner Potential

A unicorn joining your relationship deserves to be treated as a romantic partner herself if that is what she wants, not merely a sexual adventure. Do the work to develop caring bonds. Her longings are just as valid as yours. Support emotional intimacy flourishing at her pace.

Dating Refers to Unicorns

When dating sites use "unicorn" terminology, remember there are real humans behind those labels seeking meaningful connections on their own terms. Engage them as multifaceted individuals, not just embodiment of concepts from your fantasies.

Conclusion: The Reality of Unicorns

The mythical unicorn may represent an idyllic fantasy. But true fulfillment stems from ethical connections between multifaceted human beings. With understanding and compassion, triads including a unicorn offer exciting potential. But forced fantasies, imbalanced power, and emotional tolls must be navigated thoughtfully by all involved. If the unicorns’ needs and humanity take center stage, what emerges may be something even more beautiful than myth—a real relationship built on trust, communication and care.



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