The phrase "partner in crime" is commonly used in everyday language as well as in dating profiles and on social media. But what exactly does it mean to call someone your "partner in crime"?
At its core, "partner in crime" refers to someone you feel very close to and can trust. It signifies a deep friendship where you share secrets and plans that others aren't privy to.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a "partner in crime" is "someone who helps you do something wrong, often something silly or not very serious." Merriam-Webster similarly defines it as "a friend or companion with whom one shares adventures, secrets, or mischief."
So in dictionary terms, a partner in crime is essentially an accomplice in relatively minor acts, usually in a lighthearted sense.
When used on dating sites or in relationships, "partner in crime" often conveys a romantic meaning. It expresses a desire for someone you can completely be yourself around - who shares your humor, interests, and outlook.
It suggests you want a relationship where you embark on adventures together, try new things, and make everyday life exciting. There's an aspect of being "partners" in living life to the fullest.
So in a romantic context, "partner in crime" implies closeness, complicity, trust, and a willingness to get into harmless trouble together. It's about breaking out of routines and experiencing new things as a couple.
To call someone your "partner in crime" means:
You trust them completely and share secrets with them
The term can be used both platonically and romantically. In friendships, it signifies a close, fun-loving connection where you get up to silly antics together. In dating, it implies a desire for excitement, intimacy, and experiencing life to the fullest as a couple.
So you may lovingly call your best friend your "partner in crime." It means they're the one you share inside jokes with and turn to when you want to let loose and have fun.
In relationships, it suggests you want a lover who complements you - someone adventurous, unpredictable, and willing to break routines. It's become a popular phrase in dating profiles.
While it usually has playful connotations, "partner in crime" can also be used in a serious way to mean an accomplice in actual criminal activities. But this usage is far less common.
So in summary, calling someone your "partner in crime" generally signals a very close, trusting bond where you share secret adventures and harmless mischief. The exact meaning depends on the context, but it always implies complicity and comfort in being your true self. is a free city social network app to discover and share what is happening here and now in your city. Share, discover and connect: offers both locals and tourists the way to share events in the city in an easier way.
When you come across the phrase "partner in crime" in a dating profile or hear someone use it in conversation, you may wonder exactly what it means about that relationship. Here's some more perspective on this commonly used term:
So if you see or hear this phrase, rest assured it nearly always denotes something positive - closeness, trust, and a spirit of adventure. The exact significance depends on the individuals using it. But it's reasonable to interpret it as a sign of an easygoing, genuine connection and a desire for fun times spent together.