Is 5'8" Short for a Guy? The Truth on Height 👨📏

What is a short height for men? 📏 Is 5'8" short for a guy? This article explores if 5'8" is below average 👨 and looks at height in male attractiveness.

Height is a physical attribute that people often attach social significance to, especially when it comes to dating and attractiveness. For men in particular, there are preconceived notions that being tall is ideal while being short can be seen as a disadvantage. But is a height of 5'8" actually considered short for a guy? Let's examine this question further.

Is 5'8" Short for a Guy? Evaluating Height and Attractiveness

The Statistics on Male Height: What is Average Height

The average height for an American adult male is 5'9", while the worldwide average is about 5'7". This means 5'8" falls within the average range, though on the shorter side. It's estimated that about 40% of men are 5'8" or taller, while 60% are shorter.

To put 5'8" into perspective in inches, it equates to 68 inches tall. This is about 2 inches shorter than the 5'10" average height for young American males. It's also around 11 inches taller than the average height for American women, which is 5'4" (64 inches).

So statistically speaking, 5'8" is below the average height for men, but still within what is considered the normal range. It is by no means unusually short.

The average height for an American adult male is 5'9The average height for an American adult male is 5'9", while the worldwide average is about 5'7"

Is 5'8" Considered Short in Society?

Though the statistics show 5'8" falls within the normal range, social perceptions may still view heights below the 5'10" male average as on the shorter side. Some women express preferences for dating taller men, and shorter stature in men can be associated with inferior genetics or limited nutrition growing up.

However, the degree that 5'8" is considered short largely depends on the culture and society. In countries with taller averages like the Netherlands, a 5'8" male would likely be viewed as shorter. But in societies with lower averages, like Indonesia or Bolivia, 5'8" could be taller than typical.

There are also cultural factors like norms for heels and posture that influence perceptions around height. A 5'8" man may feel short next to a 5'5" woman in 3 inch heels. And good posture can add up to 3 inches in perceived height difference.

So while statistically in the normal range, 5'8" could still be viewed as on the shorter side for a man in many Western societies. The extent largely depends on cultural contexts and comparisons.

Is 5'8" a Good Height for Attractiveness?

When it comes to attractiveness, studies show that most women do prefer male partners taller than them. But preferences aren't rigid requirements, and confidence, style and personality go a long way. Numerous male celebrities around 5'7" to 5'9" are widely regarded as handsome sex symbols, including Robert Downey Jr, Mark Wahlberg, and Zac Efron.

For shorter men, focusing confidence boosting practices like good posture, stylish shoes, and not fixating on height can help. Elements like fitness, humor, intelligence, kindness and social status also attract women.

While some women may filter out men under 6ft online, or express "tall, dark and handsome" ideals, most evaluate attractiveness based on an overall impression. Evidence suggests only about half of women firmly require a taller mate.

So at 5'8", while a bit shorter than average, men can certainly still be considered attractive. Factors like grooming, confidence and personality go further than a few inches of height. Cultivating those wins over fixating on unchangeable attributes.

For shorter men, focusing confidence boosting practices like good posture, stylish shoes, and not fixating on height can help.For shorter men, focusing confidence boosting practices like good posture, stylish shoes, and not fixating on height can help.

Is 5'8" a Short Height for Men? The Summary

Statistically, 5'8" falls within the normal range of height for men, though on the shorter side compared to averages:

When looking at height statistics, it's important to note that 5'8" is considered within the normal range for adult men. While it may be on the shorter side when compared to population averages, it's by no means considered extremely short. Understanding this statistical context can help alleviate concerns about height.

The perception of 5'8" as short, average or tall depends greatly on the cultural context and comparisons:

How 5'8" is perceived in terms of height can vary significantly depending on cultural and regional norms. In some contexts, it may be viewed as shorter than average, while in others, it could be seen as fairly typical. Height perception is often influenced by the people around you and the standards set by your culture.

In Western societies, 5'8" may be viewed as shorter than the ideal, but not abnormally so. With good confidence and posture, it does not have to be limiting:

In certain Western cultures, there may be a preference for taller individuals, and 5'8" could be considered slightly shorter than the perceived ideal height. However, it's crucial to emphasize that height alone should not be seen as a limiting factor. Confidence and good posture can make a significant difference in how one is perceived and can offset any perceived shortness.

For attractiveness, some women prefer taller men, but personality and presentation matter more. Numerous celebrities around 5'8" are widely desired:

While some individuals may have preferences for taller partners, it's important to remember that attractiveness is influenced by various factors beyond height. Personality, confidence, charisma, and how one presents themselves often matter more in terms of desirability. Many celebrities who stand at or around 5'8" are widely desired and admired, proving that height is just one facet of attractiveness.

While maybe at some statistical disadvantage, with the right attitude and attributes, 5'8" men can undoubtedly be regarded as attractive, dominant, and successful potential partners:

It's essential to recognize that height, even if considered slightly below average, does not dictate one's worth as a potential partner. With the right attitude, self-assuredness, and a focus on positive attributes and qualities, men who are 5'8" can undoubtedly be seen as attractive and successful in the dating and relationship realm. Confidence, ambition, kindness, and a compatible personality play pivotal roles in forming meaningful connections.

So in summary, while 5'8" is below the male average height, it is not uncommonly short. With the proper perspective and confidence, men of this height can still have every advantage in dating and professional life. In the end, perception is reality and attitude trumps mere numbers.

How 5'8How 5'8" is perceived in terms of height can vary significantly depending on cultural and regional norms

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Dealing with Height Insecurities

For some shorter men, height can still be a source of insecurity or perceived disadvantage in dating and social realms. Here are some perspectives to help overcome height-related doubts:

  1. Focus on embodying confidence in your body through good posture, stylish grooming, and not slouching or slumping. Confidence is a magnetic quality that transcends physical attributes. One effective way to boost your confidence and offset any perceived shortness is by maintaining excellent posture. Standing tall, walking with purpose, and taking care of your grooming and appearance can all contribute to a positive self-image. When you project confidence through your body language, you become more attractive and approachable to others.
  2. Remember that statistically, shorter men do not have less sex or relationships than taller men on average. It's important to debunk the myth that height is the sole determinant of success in love and relationships. Statistics show that shorter men have just as much potential for fulfilling romantic lives as their taller counterparts. The key factor in love life success often revolves around confidence, personality, and the ability to connect with others on a deeper level.
  3. Consider that men fixate far more on height than women typically do when evaluating attractiveness and selecting partners. Height is a characteristic that men often fixate on more than women when assessing attractiveness in potential partners. Many women prioritize other qualities such as kindness, humor, intelligence, and shared values over height. Understanding this perspective can help alleviate height-related insecurities and shift your focus towards the qualities that truly matter in a relationship.
  4. Look to short male celebrities and public figures who exude confidence and magnetism as inspirational examples to emulate. Short male celebrities and public figures who exude confidence and charisma can serve as inspiring role models. Their success in various fields demonstrates that height does not limit one's potential for achievement and attractiveness. Learning from their self-assuredness and resilience can help boost your own confidence and self-esteem.
  5. Recognize that true compatibility stems from shared values, intimacy, and chemistry - not meeting rigid physical criteria. Ultimately, true compatibility in a relationship is not solely determined by physical attributes like height. Instead, it arises from shared values, emotional intimacy, and a strong connection based on personality and chemistry. Embrace the idea that an open-minded match who appreciates you for who you are and shares a genuine connection is far more valuable than meeting rigid physical criteria.
Many women prioritize other qualities such as kindness, humor, intelligence, and shared values over heightMany women prioritize other qualities such as kindness, humor, intelligence, and shared values over height

By adopting these perspectives and practices, shorter men can navigate height insecurities with greater self-assurance, allowing them to approach dating and social interactions with a more positive mindset and a deeper understanding of what truly matters in forming meaningful connections.


At 5'8", men stand shorter than the average, but have ample heights to achieve success, respect, and fulfillment.

Standing at 5'8", some men may find themselves slightly below the average height. However, it's important to recognize that height alone does not dictate one's potential for success, respect, and fulfillment in life. While it may be a characteristic that others notice, it is just one facet of a person's identity, and there are countless avenues to achieve greatness and lead a rewarding life.

Own your height with practical confidence-boosting habits and a perspective focused on controlling only controllable factors.

Embracing your height begins with practical steps to boost your confidence. Confidence is not solely dependent on physical stature; it can be cultivated through various habits and mindset shifts. Focus on what you can control, such as your grooming, style, fitness, and posture. By investing in these aspects, you can enhance your self-esteem and project a more self-assured presence.

With the right attitude, stature is just one superficial trait, outweighed by character and confidence.

Recognize that stature is but a superficial trait, and it pales in comparison to the qualities that truly define a person. Character, integrity, kindness, and confidence are attributes that carry far more weight in how you are perceived and valued by others. Cultivating these aspects of your personality can make a significant difference in your interactions and relationships.

Confidence, in particular, is a powerful tool that can help you overcome any perceived shortcomings related to height. It radiates a magnetic charm that draws people toward you, making you a more attractive and respected individual.

In summary, being 5'8" or any height below the average should never be seen as a limitation to achieving success, respect, and fulfillment. Embrace your unique qualities, focus on what you can control, and nurture your confidence and character. With the right attitude and a commitment to personal growth, your stature becomes just one aspect of your identity, overshadowed by the remarkable qualities that truly define you.



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