How to Initiate a First Kiss and Keep Kissing 😘

Get tips for your 💋 first kiss! Learn how to initiate a first kiss, tease your date, give verbal cues, and transition to keep 😚 kissing.

How to Initiate a First Kiss Without Being Awkward

A first kiss can be exciting but also nerve-wracking. You may feel awkward about when or how to initiate that first kiss with your date. The good news is there are some simple tips to help you initiate a first kiss smoothly and comfortably.

Look on Signals - Verbal and Unverbal

If you want to kiss someone on a first date but you're not sure if they want the kiss, look for signals that they may be open to it. Flirting, extended eye contact, tilting their head, glancing at your lips - these are all positive signs they might like to kiss you. When the moment feels right, lean in slowly until your faces are just inches away. Gaze into their eyes and say something like "I've really wanted to kiss you tonight" and see how they respond. This gives them a chance to consent or decline gracefully.

Set the Mood

You'll want to initiate the first kiss at the right time and place. The ideal setting is somewhere private and intimate, like at the end of a date when you are dropping them off at home. Gazing into each other’s eyes while holding hands creates the perfect moment to lean in.

Make Eye Contact

Making eye contact is key when initiating a first kiss. When you feel the time is right, look deeply into your date's eyes. Hold the gaze for a few seconds, then glance down briefly at their lips. This helps signal you are ready for a kiss.

Making eye contact is key when initiating a first kissMaking eye contact is key when initiating a first kiss

Get Close Physically

Some light physical contact can help set the stage for a first kiss. Put your arm around their shoulder or hold their hand when you are sitting closely side-by-side. Hugging goodbye is also an opportunity to get cozy and initiate a kiss when the time feels right.


Flirting helps build romantic tension and attraction. Compliment their eyes, smile, outfit or personality. Lightly tease or joke with one another. Respond positively if they flirt as well. This builds chemistry and gets you both ready for that first kiss.

Lean In Slowly

When the moment feels right, lean in slowly, tilting your head to one side. Stop when your faces are just a few inches apart. Linger for a moment, continuing eye contact, to allow space for your date to meet you halfway or pull back if they aren't ready.

Ask Politely

When you're ready to make a move for that first kiss, start by softly verbalizing your desire. Whisper ‘I’d love to kiss you’ or ‘You look so kissable right now’ to test the waters. Wait a few seconds and watch your partner's reaction. If they smile, make eye contact and lean in closer, you likely have the green light. Slowly tilt your head as you gently bring your lips together. Start soft and short - just a few seconds of contact. Pull back after the first kiss and smile. If you both seem enthusiastic, you can lean back in for a deeper, longer kiss. Just keep checking in with your partner's signals to make sure you are both comfortable in the moment. If you aren't sure if your date is ready for a kiss, politely ask if you can kiss them. A simple "May I kiss you?" or “Can I kiss you?” shows you respect consent. This gives them a chance to say yes or no comfortably.

Start soft and short - just a few seconds of contactStart soft and short - just a few seconds of contact

Briefly Touch Your Lips - Tease for Good Kiss

For a first kiss, start by briefly touching your lips to theirs. Keep it gentle and closed-mouth without tongue. You can tilt your head the other way and repeat for a few soft kisses. Don't force it if your date pulls back after the first kiss.

Keep It Sweet and Short

A first kiss should start off relatively quick and sweet. Just a few seconds is fine. You don’t want to dive into a long make-out session right away. Pull back after a few seconds, smile and gauge their reaction.

Follow Their Lead

Pay attention to your kissing partner's signals. If they seem enthusiastic, smile and lean back in for more. If they seem hesitant, pull back and don’t force the issue. Give them space and let them set the pace. Go slowly until you both get more comfortable kissing.

Freshen Up First

Before an anticipated first kiss, freshen your breath to avoid any embarrassment. Pop a mint, chew some gum or swish mouthwash. Avoid foods with strong odors like garlic or onion before your date. If you smoke, don’t do so right before kissing.


It’s totally normal to feel a bit nervous before a first kiss. Take some deep breaths to relax. Remind yourself this is just for fun and to see where things go naturally. If you feel too awkward or anxious, you can always wait for another time when you feel more ready.

Don't Force It

Never force a kiss on someone who pulls away or gives other signs they aren't interested or comfortable. This could cross over into harassment or assault. If you misread signals, respectfully apologize and don’t try to kiss them again unless they initiate it.

Never force a kiss on someone who pulls away or gives other signs they aren't interested or comfortableNever force a kiss on someone who pulls away or gives other signs they aren't interested or comfortable

Consent is Key

Always get consent before initiating any kiss, but especially a first kiss which can be more awkward and nerve-wracking. If they aren’t giving clear signals, politely ask if they are okay with kissing. Make sure they actively agree and feel comfortable.

Cuddling First Can Help

If you are getting cozy watching a movie together or cuddling in some other way, you've already broken the physical touch barrier. This can naturally set the stage to initiate kissing when the mood strikes. But still go slowly and get consent.

Go With the Flow

There’s no perfect script or exact moment for a first kiss. Keep reading your date’s signals, pay attention to the atmosphere and let things happen organically. If it feels right for both of you, go for it! The more relaxed you can stay, the more natural and enjoyable the first kiss will be. Don't escalate your kissing, if it already goes smooth - keep their noses safe :)

Be Patient

Don’t worry if your date needs more time before they are ready for that first kiss. Everyone has their own comfort level with physical intimacy and pace of getting romantic. Follow their lead, keep enjoying spending time together and the first kiss can come when the time is right for both of you.

So in summary, initiating a great first kiss is all about creating the right environment, reading your date's signals, showing consideration and respecting their comfort level and boundaries. With the right approach, you can both enjoy a perfect first kiss!

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