How to 😎 Slide into the DMs 💬 - Flirt & Start Convo Successfully!

Master the art of sliding into DMs 💬 to flirt & start great convos! Tips for smooth DM slides - how to initiate chat, use humor, follow-up, suggest meeting up & more. 😍 Learn how to slide in like a pro!

Sliding into someone's DMs can be a great way to start a conversation and get to know them better. But it can also come across as creepy if not done carefully. Here are some tips for how to slide into DMs smoothly.

Initiate Conversation Politely

When sliding into DMs, especially someone you don't know well, it's important to start the conversation politely. Don't jump straight to flirting or asking them out. Begin with a simple "hey" or friendly greeting. Introduce yourself if they don't know you.

You could also compliment something specific in their post or story, but keep it respectful. Comments like "you look hot!" often backfire. Instead try "that's a really cool hike! Where was that pic taken?" This shows you're interested in their life, not just their looks.

Ask Questions and Make Comments

After introducing yourself, engage them in conversation by asking questions or making comments about things they've posted. This helps show you actually looked at their content instead of just spamming every girl in your followers list.

For example, if they posted about a new TV show say "I've been thinking of watching that too! How are you liking it so far?" Questions give them something easy to respond to.

Use Humor

Sending a funny meme, joke or gif is a great way to break the ice when sliding into DMs. But make sure it's appropriate and tailored to their sense of humor. Inside jokes that reference their posts often work well.

Humor makes you appear fun and interesting. Just avoid anything that could be offensive without knowing them well.

Refer to How You Met

When sliding into the DMs of someone you don't know well, briefly explain how you found them. Like "I saw your comedy videos on TikTok and think you're really funny!"

Don't pretend you just stumbled upon their page. Being transparent about how you met helps avoid seeming like a creeper.

Follow Up After Initial Message

Don't expect an instant response after your first DM. Give them a day or two to reply before following up. Send another friendly message or question to keep the conversation going.

Persistence pays off but avoid bombarding their inbox if they don't respond. Take the hint if your messages are continually left on read.

Suggest Meeting Up

Once you've built some rapport through DMs, suggest meeting up in person. Say something casual like "Hey, would you want to grab coffee sometime?" This gives them a comfortable opportunity to continue the conversation offline.

Meeting up after some initial DM chatting takes the pressure off both of you. You already have established some connection online first.

How to Slide in DMs to Flirt

Sliding into the DMs can be a great way to shoot your shot and start flirting. But DM flirting requires the right balance of confidence, charm and consideration. Here are some useful tips for how to slide in DMs to spark romance.

Compliment Them

An sincere, non-creepy compliment is a nice way to initiate flirty DM conversation. Keep it classy and comment on something not overtly physical, like their sense of style.

You could say "Your posts always have such an awesome vibe! I love your style." This shows you're paying attention to their personal flair.

Use Emojis Flirtatiously

Emojis add an element of fun and flirtation to DM chatting. A rose, heart eyes or kissy face emoji can ease into the flirting. Just don't go overboard with inappropriate or suggestive emojis too soon.

Be Confident But Not Pushy

Shoot your shot with confidence when trying to turn DMing into flirting. Say something direct like "I'd love to take you out to dinner sometime soon!"

But avoid sounding overly aggressive or pushy. Flirting requires reading social cues in the conversation flow.

Compliment Their Personality

Don't just comment on someone's appearance when flirty DMing. Mix in compliments about their passions, talents and personality.

Maybe tell them "You seem so adventurous and fun! I'll have to keep up when we hang out!" This shows deeper interest beyond surfaces.

Keep Conversation Flirty But Substantive

Don't let flirty DM slides become boring or solely focused on appearance. After a flirty compliment, ask about their hobbies, job or interests. Keep some substance in the conversation.

Flirty DMs have the most success when you get to actually know the person as well, not just their looks. Show you're interested in more than surfaces.

Don't let flirty DM slides become boring or solely focused on appearance.Don't let flirty DM slides become boring or solely focused on appearance.

DM Sliding Dos and Don'ts

When sliding into DMs, there are certain dos and don'ts to keep in mind:


  • Personalize your message
  • Make it about their interests
  • Send memes/gifs if relevant
  • Be polite and friendly
  • Suggest meeting up eventually
  • Give them time to respond


  • Message random people just to flirt
  • Be overly aggressive or sexual
  • Bombard them if they don't respond
  • Pretend to know them if you don't
  • Comment on body/looks specifically
  • Spam copy-paste messages

Following these dos and don'ts will help create comfortable, click-worthy DM conversation rather than awkwardness. The key is letting things flow naturally rather than forcing it. Relax and be yourself!

Best Opening Lines for DM Sliding

Coming up with that perfect opening line when sliding into DMs can seem daunting. You want to pique their interest and stand out from the crowd.

Here are some examples of great first messages to send when sliding into those DMs:

  • "Hey! You seem super cool from your posts. How's your day going?"
  • "Ha! That meme you posted is hilarious. Made my day."
  • "Your dog is SO cute in that pic! What's their name?"
  • "Killer music taste! Who are some of your favorite bands?"
  • "That baking you posted looks amazing! Any chance I could try some?"
  • "Your fashion sense is rad! Where do you like to shop?"
  • "Awesome hiking pic! I'd love to hit the trails sometime if you ever want company."
  • "Had to tell you that last selfie is gorgeous! Hope you're having a good one."
  • "Hi! I think you really nailed it in your last TikTok skit. You're hilarious."

You want to pique their interest and stand out from the crowd.You want to pique their interest and stand out from the crowd.

The key is to be casual, reference something they posted, and give them an easy conversation starter. This grabs their attention and skips the awkwardness.

How to Slide in DMs as a Woman

Women sliding into men's DMs flips the stereotypical script. But it can totally be done successfully with the right approach. Here are some tips for ladies makin' the first move:

Compliment His Photo

Don't be afraid to comment on his attractive selfie! Just keep it classy, like "Lookin' good in your latest post! Love that smile." This breaks the ice nicely.

Start a Conversation About His Interests

Ask a question or make an observation about something you know he's into, like sports teams, artists, etc. This grabs his attention better than a generic "hey."

Be Confident and Direct

Shoot your shot confidently and let him know you're interested in meeting. Say something like "You seem really cool! We should grab drinks sometime."

Use Humor

Sending a funny gif, meme or joke can instantly capture his interest and make you stand out.

Follow Up if He Doesn't Respond Right Away

Give him a day or two to reply before sending a playful follow up like "Was that message too funny for a response?" This shows you're still interested.

The key for women is being confident making the first move. Guys find it refreshing when you initiate conversation and flirtation in the DMs. So slide on into his inbox and see what happens!

Sending a funny gif, meme or joke can instantly capture his interest and make you stand out.Sending a funny gif, meme or joke can instantly capture his interest and make you stand out.

Wrapping Up

Sliding into the DMs can seem intimidating. But when done thoughtfully, it provides the opportunity to form meaningful connections beyond just liking posts.

Follow these tips to smoothly initiate conversation, flirt cleverly and avoid awkwardness. Remember to be polite, read social cues and not take rejection personally. With the right balance of charm, humor and confidence your DM slides can lead to something special!

So what are you waiting for? Start putting these tips into action and sliding into those DMs! The right conversation could be just a few clicks away.

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