The furries are a growing subculture that has recently entered more mainstream awareness. A furry is someone with an interest in anthropomorphic animals - creatures that combine human and animal features. These furries represent their fursonas, or identity, through activities like dressing up in elaborate fur suits or enjoying media focused on anthropomorphic animals.
While the furry fandom has existed for decades, many furries are teenagers or young adults. In fact, furries tend to skew young, with most members being between the ages of 13 and 19. The furry fandom has blown up on platforms like TikTok, exposing the subculture to a whole new generation. Furry influencers on TikTok have amassed large followings of hundreds of thousands, with their content often using furry characters.
So why has there been a surge in furry interest among teenagers and adolescents? There are likely many factors at play. The mainstreaming of so-called geek culture has helped make interests like anime and gaming more visible and acceptable. The anime fandom in particular has overlap with furries. Digital culture and the internet have enabled niche communities like furries to find each other and share their passion for anthropomorphic animals. Furry artists find a welcoming place to showcase their content.
For many teenagers, the furry community represents a fun, friendly, and colorful form of self-expression. Building their unique fursona allows them to explore identity during their formative years. The community also offers a sense of belonging. While some assume the furry subculture is inherently sexual, most furries say this perception is inaccurate. Sexual aspects exist, but do not define the community as a whole. There is great diversity across the furry fandom.
However, some concerns persist around furries, often related to the association with the sexual side of the community. Most furries feel these stigmas are unwarranted, though there have been isolated instances of adults taking sexual advantage of minors. Many argue the sexualized view comes from outsiders lacking nuance about what furries represent. Most furries see their interest in anthropomorphic animals as an innocent form of self-expression. Still, the sexual component contributes to ongoing controversy.
While the emo subculture has been around for decades, a new fusion subculture has emerged that combines elements of furries and emos. These emo furries exhibit interests spanning both communities. Just as emo culture expresses melancholy identity through fashion and music, emo furries incorporate animal costumes and fursonas into the mix.
Emo furries represent a convergence between these longstanding youth subcultures. Both groups tend to draw in adolescents seeking a community where they feel they belong. Young people experimenting with identity may blend aspects of furries and emos in a way that empowers self-expression. While outsiders may see participating in subcultures as unusual, both furries and emos ultimately promote respecting differences. Teenage years represent a time of exploring individuality.
Teenage years represent a time of exploring individuality
However, some traditional concerns around furries and emos persist when the subcultures combine. Critics point to potential mental health risks, especially since both groups may correlatively have higher rates of issues like depression and anxiety. Some worry emo furries glorify darkness and suicide more than traditional emo culture, though no causation is proven. At minimum, parents feel understandably concerned about teenagers embracing lifestyles and personas outside the mainstream.
Overall, the rise of emo furries illustrates the evolving nature of youth subcultures. Teen self-expression changes with the generations. While some may see emo furries as worrying, they aren’t fundamentally different from past youth countercultures. Most emo furries are simply teenagers trying to find where they belong. These mash-up subcultures allow exploration of identity, which should be encouraged during adolescence. There’s no need to assume the worst of emo furries. Rather, we should recognize that youth expression constantly changes and offer kind understanding. is a free city social network app to discover and share what is happening here and now in your city. Share, discover and connect: offers both locals and tourists the way to share events in the city in an easier way.